BodyWave™ use case: Real-time personnel location tracking & monitoring for industrial applications

Accurate real-time location tracking and monitoring of personnel has the potential to reduce accidents, keep workers safe in the most hazardous environments, reduce the burden of regulatory compliance, and lead to operational efficiencies.
Large volumes of precise, real-time data generated by location tracking and monitoring systems is collected and analysed, and used for both critical and non-critical applications across Safety and Security, and Industry 4.0 initiatives including:
- Emergency response in hazardous environments
- Worker-down monitoring
- Lone worker monitoring
- Access control in restricted environments
- Staff deployment and resource allocation optimisation
- Time and attendance tracking
This use case document gives an overview of the considerations for antenna choice specifically for real time personnel tracking and monitoring in industrial applications , and why manufacturers in this area are choosing AntennaWare's BodyWave™ antennas to address the connectivity challenges of the typical industrial environment and deliver optimum system performance and efficiencies.